Apache Proxy with CORS headers
You want to have your JavaScript application access a remote API but that remote API does not have CORS headers. What to do?
Instead of pointing to that remote API, point to a location on an Apache server that you have control of, have it connect to that remote API for you, and also add the CORS headers so JavaScript is happy.
Apache can proxy, or hand off the API request for you while also injecting the CORS header Access-Control-Allow-Origin to that remote API response.
Apache mod_proxy
Apache mod_headers# Proxy for BaseServer
<LocationMatch "/api">
Header add "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" "*"
</LocationMatch>Now instead of pointing my JavaScript to, I point it to my Apache server at /api/ and that will serve the data from with the CORS header.
If you are using mod_rewrite along with this, you might need the [P] flag which tells mod_rewrite to handle the request with mod_proxy.
Easy way to change Java version on Mac OSX
Edit your .bash_profile and add the line:
#For Java 7:
export JAVA_HOME="`/usr/libexec/java_home -v ‘1.7*’`"#For Java 8:
export JAVA_HOME="`/usr/libexec/java_home -v ‘1.8*’`" -
An alternate animate.css animation order
Animate.css is a wonderful CSS animation library.
On the website, animations are grouped by types – “Attention Seekers”, “Bouncing Entrances”, “Bouncing Exits”, etc.
What I present is a revised order with In’s and Out’s grouped next to each other. This gives a nice effect when cycling through all the animations.
Master Controller Lyrics
These are unofficial Master Controller lyrics I wrote and performed for the Pertino Summer party 2013:
A botnet of browsers – websocket command and control
A botnet of browsers is an amazing library which makes it very easy to use websockets. This library gives us real-time communication ability in the browser with very little code.
In this article, I go into an example of a potential misuse of I explain how to create a Linux router, then to modify that router to harvest clients into the network. One web page, the command and control, can see everything. It could send JavaScript to all the clients at once (which is executed on the client’s browser). Or JavaScript could be targeted to individual clients as well. Every connected client’s document object model (DOM) and JavaScript fully accessible from one webpage – in real time.
This article is written for people already familiar with Linux, and Internet networking and security concepts.
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Shut off Nagios Notifications
$ cat
now=`date +%s`
echo "[%lu] DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS\n" $now > $commandfileEnabling notifications across the board is similar:
$ cat
now=`date +%s`
echo "[%lu] ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS\n" $now > $commandfile -
ChromiumOS VMware mouse too slow
If you are testing ChromiumOS on VMware and the mouse is moving way to slow, try adding this to your VMWare vmx configuration file:
mouse.multiplier = "3" mks.absoluteMouse = "TRUE" mks.gamingMouse = "FALSE"
Creating Retina Favicons
Simple instructions for creating Retina favicon:
Create a 16×16 PNG-24 for your low-res icon
Create a 32×32 PNG-24 for your high-res icon
Head over to and upload those two icons together to create a dual-resource ico file which you rename to favicon.ico.
Upload that favicon.ico in the root of your webroot.
For some reason the meta tag <link rel=”icon” href=”favicon.ico”> seems to prevent the high-res version from working so I temporarily removed it. If you know the correct meta tag to be using for retina please let me know.