
  • AFP File Sharing from Linux to Mac

    I posted something on this a while back, and someone in the comments posted a great howto. I felt it is worthy of another link so it is easy to find. This basically lets your Linux box share files using the AFP protocol which is very fast and the native file sharing protocol for Mac OS X.

    This person built a DEB package for modified netatalk which works on Ubuntu Ibex:

    L’Airone al servizio del Leopardo [Update 3]

  • TeamViewer is a great way to screen share when iChat fails

    My brother is in Japan and he just got a shiny new MacBook Air.
    We tried to screen share with iChat so I could help him set it up. His Internet provider must be firewalled in some way that just flat out made iChat fail. No video chat and no screen sharing.

    I searched Google and found a free app that got screen sharing working. It’s called TeamViewer. The software was easy to use, responsive (even from Utah to Japan), and free. Link below.


  • How to change your address online with the Utah DMV

    For some reason, if you go to the Utah DMV website and click “Address Changes”, it sends you to this web page:

    However if you look on this page, there is no way to change your address ONLINE.

    A little googling turns up this other site where you can do it. A hell of a lot more convenient than driving in to the DMV.

  • Curse words on the iPhone

    Here is a trick to stop the iPhone from autocorrecting your favorite curse words:

    Create a contact with a name that contains only curse words.

    The iPhone will actually HELP YOU type these words now since contacts are at a higher priority with autocorrect.

  • PHP phpinfo() on the fly

    Here is a little trick to get phpinfo() information on the fly.

    You need php-cli installed (sometimes its called php4-cli or php5-cli)

    echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" | php4
    echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" | php5
    echo "<?php phpinfo(); ?>" | php5-cli


    You can also tack on a | grep at the end if you want to filter for certain words.

  • VMWare Server 1.0.7 on Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex 8.10

    Here is a link I found that got this working again:
    Click Here

    Here is a link to fix a keyboard error some have:
    Click Here

  • AppleTV – Got System Prefs working!

    Fixed System on Take 2:

    You have to copy PreferencePanes.framework from your Tiger disks. Copy them to /System/Library/Frameworks/

    This is going to lead the way to me getting the Ethernet port sharing Internet over to the XBOX. So I can get rid of the extra unneeded WiFi box under the TV.

  • XBMC and Boxee on AppleTV

    XBMC on AppleTV is fantastic. It’s polished. It’s stable. It just works.
    Boxee was a bit too Alpha quality at this time. The social aspect of it is a bit more scary than useful.
    I’m not going to do a huge writeup on the features of each of these applications. I just want to say that XBMC is fantastic and it’s my new favorite app on AppleTV.

  • PdaNet tethering app for iPhone is a winner

    I tried PdaNet for the first time today. It worked great.

    On your PC you create an ad-hoc wireless network. On the iPhone you connect to the ad-hoc network, and launch PdaNet. Now you can surf on your laptop. Yes, it is that easy.

    You don’t have to set up proxies on the phone or the laptop. This is the easiest tethering tool ever.

    PdaNet is installable through Cydia

  • ARToolKit – Augmented Reality

    My coworker Bill introduced me to ARToolKit, a programming toolkit for working with augmented reality and webcams. From the website:

    ARToolKit is a software library for building Augmented Reality (AR) applications. These are applications that involve the overlay of virtual imagery on the real world. For example, in the image to the right a three-dimensional virtual character appears standing on a real card. It can be seen by the user in the head set display they are wearing. When the user moves the card, the virtual character moves with it and appears attached to the real object.

    Without seeing this in action it is difficult to explain. The girl in the photo is holding a piece of paper in her hands. The little character that you see is created by the computer and injected into the picture. As she rotates or moves the piece of paper, the computer moves the 3d model. It appears as if the 3d model really exists in your view.