YummiYogurt is a fun colorful WinAMP skin that despite the odd controls, attempts to be easy to use.
If you know WinAMP, then you already know where to click to do things. If not, the important flower colors to remember here are yellow, green and red. Yellows mean you’re changing song, Green means GO (Play music), Red means STOP. Just like a traffic light, eh? Easy to remember. You also have Pause, Eject, Random and Repeat buttons next to all that.
To change the volume, you grab the ladybug, and move it left or right. As you increase volume, the flowers grow more. Lower the volume and the flowers sink into the ground. It doesn’t really make much sense but it looks cool.
The butterfly next to the ladybug is the balance control. I would suggest to leave the butterfly alone. They do not like to be bothered.
The worm crawling across the middle of the grass, shows you how far into a song you are. You can grab the worm and move him to any part of the song. Think of the worm as the needle on the record. What is a record you ask? You are too young.
The two flowers over to the right toggle visibility of the equalizer, and playlist
This skin is best viewed with the EQ visible, since it’s a garden of freaking flowers! The EQ has been replaced by flowers which you help grow up or shrink down. Problem being, when you arrange your garden here, the music starts sounding weird. That’s normal.
This skin has had millions of downloads at winamp.com. YummiYogurt was featured in 3 magazines, including Wired October 2000. If you search for yummiyogurt at google, you can find a few interesting results.
In 2001 I redid YummiYogurt with brighter, cleaner, fresher graphics and released YummiYogurt2001
YummiYogurt (2001 WinAMP Edition)
YummiYogurt (2001 xmms Edition)
Update: June 2021 – YummiYogurt on the Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/winampskin_YummiYogurt_v5
Update: March 27th 2005 This skin was re-uploaded to winamp.com as YummiYogurt v5. http://www.winamp.com/skin/yummiyogurt-v5/144633 (Broken link now)
Later, created the YummiYogurt skin for GKrellM. GKrellM is a system monitor application for Linux. GKrellM system monitor
Download from GitHub https://github.com/chriscareycode/yummiyogurt-gkrellm or http://www.muhri.net/gkrellm/yummiyogurt.tar.gz