I read that it is possible to set up a network based “Time Capsule” service for use with “Time Machine” in OS X. This requires setting up Apple File Sharing (AFP) with Ubuntu Linux. This was a bit of a pain to set up. Got it working after a couple hours of struggle.
- Set up netatalk to share a folder
- Add the .com.apple.timemachine.supported file
- Create the sparsebundle on your mac and copy it to the NAS
Below are some links and more info
I hope to type up a complete howto when I get time. In the mean time, heres some of the links I used to get it working:
- http://holyarmy.org/2008/01/24/time-machine-backup-to-linux-via-netatalk
- http://roncox.org/12
- http://www.damontimm.com/blog/how-to-install-netatalk-afp-on-ubuntu-with-encrypted-authentication/
- http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20080420211034137
- http://blog.our-files.com/?p=5
- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=410274
- http://www.hellinga.org/index.php?id=2&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=4&tx_ttnews[year]=2007&tx_ttnews[month]=05&tx_ttnews[day]=26&cHash=12028cb059
Here is a little trick to prevent the netatalk package from updating in Ubuntu:
echo “netatalk hold” | sudo dpkg –set-selections
Also, during my journey, I came across this “Time Machine”-ish software for Linux. It may be worth checking out for automated Linux backups.